sâmbătă, 6 octombrie 2018

Poem about my culture

Cultures collide and bring forth rigged constitutions. So, a society develops assumptions and misconceptions, and it didn't help that my ancestors had to wait till 1960 to vote in pointless elections. Spice of life this is our life Top of the sea salt Spy scouring You better have a love Like a deep pouring. The injun problem, the white man's burden, but we are told to just get over it and keep this shit hidden. So yeah, my dreams and visions of becoming more is no more than an illusion. eyes of candlelight storm didn't make it this year Torn to tears like two vultures of the haunted night He peddles fast But the fear needs to disappear. Sage pretty coffee cup show and tell What a razzle top of her cake The media takes over all painted and swirled Baked spicy finger she dialed Through her locket heart sake Recovered love reconciled. The Meditteranean sea with Four leaf clovers freeloaders These cultures and eyes of strength feature There is no time to break up for the love of a spice Is this the human race Fresh linens better company What a primary Oh! Hail Mary. Eating vegetable and fish Her best China ever find her dish. The best part engage her on Sage with a heart The fruit her flesh and blood The blood on his finger Her medicinal herbs of China The mason spice jar is empty The full heart needs his half Cream of the crop Careless love accidentally spice dropped Sensual Chin like pine needles The exception to the rule more leaders Remember Every September. to leave your scent We all have needs we want Drinking all the flavors of Snapple *Big waves of the ripple don't you love her amazing dimples. Wearing herself out with her pointed pump shoe * But losing her spirit what to endeavor *The Blue Horizon Spice Rub. Learned different lessons like yin and yang from friends, but it's too late the balance is broken this is how our people's story ends. That's just how I feel and with no home I can call my own. So, I sleep on the streets with a bottle of patron. Water was supposed to cleanse me, and fire was supposed to warm me, but this fire water is going to be the end of me. When the colonists came they seemed so sweet like Juliet, but it was all a trick, got poisoned and it was revealed that Juliet was really Brutus to our Julius. We trusted Hitler and look where it got us, we trusted the church and they molested us. We trusted the education system, but they beat us and told us our beliefs and cultures were blasphemous. Poems about culture. You can read the best culture poems. Browse through all culture poems. ⊰⊱ The air filled with laughter and cheers, leaving me and Ainhara on the hill "Oh dear," my handmaid smiles. "It appears it will be a long night. Parting Paul from our sweet Esshi will prove difficult." "Difficult but not impossible," I chime. "Come, Ainhara, let us enjoy the rest of the night!" 'My wish came true tonight,' I beam. 'I will always remember this fantastic gala. ' as I enter the main dining hall with all my friends from near and far, all my friends of many cultures as we join in laughter, in glee, ever hopeful for the future of our thriving Kingdoms. With every sip of wine, every nibble of the fine dishes, all of our bonds have strengthened. So now, let us be like the lanterns, and rises together, sailing through the horizons to touch the Heavens above. Eager for the adventures ahead. The Green Irish Tweed Epicurean love at the Italian Spice Epic Stadium. Life begins at a point And it is unknown to me I was little when it began I don't know how it began It flows like a river It flows to one direction To the final destination And it never returns By the way I saw Different people with Different cultures and you are different from others. Your eyes shine like a Precious stone; diamond You have some powers Coz you attracted me. Strawberry fields forever But what is forever more love. The Queen chair so domineer 'What Debutants" Crazed like spices of mutants The anger management getting the evil out The shoutbox strong clove spice Sage was never outfoxed Her sexy jaded uniform The firefighter Smoky the bear. The poor stealing the rich culture Sage surrender like the Oz Like Robin Hood. Feels like slavery With weight our shoulders Havent We endured enough? From One Bolder To The Next? Like needles draining our blood for energy The White Gold of Saturn Using Led from congress Our Spring Streams Have Run Dried Directed into a Different lines and Process Guarded by Projects With Capitalism at its finest Racism and favoritism. The Collective Body Shivers. With stretch lines on her skin with her magnitude of her tears. The stages of legions unleashed. Souls in battle using a leash. Things have been disowned and blown. The Headdress will take its throne. The Shield Into El-dorado that is known. Grids awaken from the Amerindian parts of the jaguars tradition. Collective religious cultures unleashed from its disposition. The beauty that brings a new position. Jade Ring Brittish Colony Stuck to her beliefs like a magnet. About The Little Girl That Beat Her Sister. Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge. Night Is My Sister, And How Deep In Love. A tech festival by and for Black people of African and Caribbean heritage. Are You Weak or is your sister just fat. You Are Here: Sister Poems - Poems For Sister - - Poem by. My sister Laura's bigger than me And lifts me up quite easily. I can't lift her, I've tried and tried; She must have something heavy inside. Getting Married With A Broken Heart - T.., NHIEN NGUYEN MD. Comments about My Sister Laura by Spike Milligan. Tomorrow I'm going to the oncological in.., Dumitru Crudu. Poems about sister. You can read the best sister poems. Browse through all sister poems. I have an opinion that none can change life is great!. Has this poem touched you? Share your story!. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Remember, you are the expert on you. No one else sees the world as you do; no one else has your material to draw on. You don't have to know where to begin. Just start. Let it flow. Trust the work to find its own form. I'm from big blue herons to small river otters, I'm from big Metasequioas to tall stalks of bamboo, I'm from cousins that were unknown to the closest of friends, I'm from my mom and dad to my lab-beagle dog, albino rats, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches, I'm from roaring water falls to silent flowing streams, I'm from terrifying Zombie walks and Scarowinds to a gentle princess-loving godsister and godbrother I'm from pepperoni pizza to microwaved meatballs, I'm from my inspiration station drawing and writing to a homemade book, I'm from my old dog Chani to red-shouldered hawks, I'm from Jack the magic clown to my weird parents, I'm from a tiny baby to an educated sister showing baby MinMin what school's like, I'm from bold looking deer to relaxing foxes, I'm from making a fire in the county to ridin' in a cotton combine,. With conquering limbs astride from land to land;. A book of verses. London: D. Nutt. pp. 56–57. OCLC. The original poem was written in 1932 by Mary Elizabeth Frye (1905-2004) from Baltimore, MD. There are in existence many slightly different versions of the poem. This extremely famous poem has been read at countless funerals and public occasions. The author composed this poem in a moment of inspiration and scribbled it on a paper bag. She wrote it to comfort a family friend who had just lost her mother and was unable to even visit her grave. This is the only surviving poem of Mary Elizabeth Frye and quite possibly her only poem. Cohen, Edward (April 2004). "THE SECOND SERIES OF W. E. HENLEY'S HOSPITAL POEMS". Yale University Library Gazette. 78 (3/4): 129. JSTOR. I hope you won't stop there, though. Besides being a poem in its own right, "Where I'm From" can be a map for a lot of other writing journeys. Here are some things I've thought of: I am from those moments-- snapped before I budded -- leaf-fall from the family tree. Were you touched by this poem? Share Your Story Here. "Myself". Weekly Telegraph. Sheffield (England). 1888-09-15. p. 587. "Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy & Will.i.am recite 'Invictus' to support the Invictus Games". YouTube. 29 May 2014. Retrieved 9 May 2016. My mom died in May 1965, when I was 18 years old. Her death devastated me. When I first heard this poem, it touched me, and I almost felt it had been written for me. It helps me because I still mourn losing my Mom, 52 years later. (Second ed.). New York: Scribner & Welford. pp. 56–7. In the fifth episode of the second season of Archer, "The Double Deuce", Woodhouse describes Reggie as "in the words of Henley, 'bloody, but unbowed'". On 12/09/15, I was sitting in Applebee's waiting for my food. A friend walked up to my table and said your 2 friends Stone and Zeb were in a car accident and one is dead but they don't know who. .. 5 minutes later the same person came back and said Stone died and Zeb is badly hurt. Here I am a 16 year old girl crying her eyes out cause I just lost a friend in a car crash; almost two.. the day before Stone's funeral this poem showed on my news feed on Facebook and it honestly made me feel so much better, knowing he is in a better place with the lord and that he wouldn't want us to cry. I miss you Stone. Forever in my heart. Then she was gone. Gone to and with our loved one. Although no longer in my present world, she is so very present still journeying by my side each day. The line "bloody, but unbowed" was the Daily Mirror ' s headline the day after the 7 July 2005 London bombings. [25]. This article is about the poem. For the 2009 film, see Invictus (film). For other uses, see Invictus (disambiguation).

Tomorrow I'm going to the oncological in.., Dumitru Crudu. Poems about sister. You can read the best sister poems. Browse through all sister poems. I have an ...

marți, 2 octombrie 2018

Literatura sa acţionează asupra mea ca un calmant. Acţionează ca un calmant când aflu că unii oameni, printre care şi Paul Goma, au trecut prin încercări cu mult mai grele şi mai dificile, decât cele prin care trecem noi astăzi, fiind închişi în puşcărie, fiind supuşi la umilinţe şi la înjosiri inimaginabile şi, cu toate astea, au rezistat. Au rezistat şi au învins, fără să pactizeze cu sistemul.
Romanul Gherla-Lăteşti înfăţişează tortura la care au fost supuşi cei care aveau o altă părere şi o altă viziune asupra istoriei decât reprezentanţii regimului. Înfăţişează teroarea la care au fost supuşi, pentru a renunţa la convingerile lor.
Reţin o scenă foarte dură, când gardienii, după ce-şi istoveau prizonierii (altfel cum să le spui unor oameni care erau la cheremul unor brute?) în bătăi, secerându-i din picioare cu directe de stânga sau de dreapta, îndelung exersate pe alţi deţinuţi, mai încercau, culmea, şi să-i violeze. E o scenă de-a dreptul terifiantă. Doi gardieni cu pantalonii pe vine alergând după un deţinut ca să-l prindă şi să-l violeze şi acesta nu vrea să le satisfacă hatârul şi fuge prin camera de tortură, cu gardienii după el, înfuriaţi şi întărâtaţi la culme că acesta le-a scăpat din mâini.
Tortura fizică, psihică, fiziologică şi sexuală este la ordinea zilei în Gherla. Tortura ca un mijloc de îngenunchere şi de umilinţă. În urma ei, deţinuţii trebuind să se teamă şi de propria umbră. Frica. Teama. Groaza. Panica. Supunerea. Iată ce trebuiau să simtă deţinuţii zi de zi, dacă nu chiar clipă de clipă. Şi asta în timp ce mardeiaşii nici nu ştiau prea bine de ce-şi caftesc prizonierii.
Umilinţe absurde. Una mai absurdă ca alta. Gardianul Vasea nu le permite să stea pe pat, nici culcat şi nici în fund. Impunându-i pe celulari (adică pe deţinuţi) să meargă continuu. Mereu şi mereu să umble. Toată ziua să fie în mişcare.
Drept urmare, când e acesta de gardă, toată lumea roieşte prin celulă. Până şi bolnavii, aşa epuizaţi cum sunt. Cu toate că e un ordin absurd, nimeni nu încearcă însă să se împotrivească. Dar în celula aia sunt fruntaşi ai partidelor istorice, intelectuali subţiri şi oameni care au trecut prin multe. Dar aceştia au oboist să mai protesteze, au oboist să se mai opună, ei fiind gata să înghită orice, doar-doar să fie lăsaţi în pace.
Singurul care se împotriveşte e Paul Goma, stârnind furia colegilor de detenţie. Când l-au văzut aşezându-se pe pat, aceştia au înlemnit şi s-au îndepărtat ca potârnichile de el, bunghindu-se cu toţii spre uşă. Oare ce o să întreprindă bruta de Vasea? Apoi au început să-l înjure, încercând să-l convingă să renunţe. "Renunţă, dacă nu vrei să suferim cu toţii din cauza ta," îl beşteleau aceştia. Nu gardianul căuta să-l convingă să renunţe, ci ceilalţi deţinuţi.
Disidenţa, curajul, voinţa, personalitatea îţi sunt puse la încercare oră de oră, în cele mai neînsemnate situaţii, susţine Goma în acest roman excepţional. Şi ne mai spune un lucru extraordinar: marile cedări sunt o consecinţă şi o operă a concesiilor mici şi neînsemnate din cotidian, de fiecare zi.


Câțiva trandafiri încă înfloriți în plină toamnă în stradă. Copyright: Ecaterina Ștefan