vineri, 10 septembrie 2010

Tirg Cultural de Vechituri – MINCARE

Septembrie 11, 2010, ora 16:00
str. Bucuresti 68/1, Chisinau

Invitatie de a face schimb si gusta din bucate, bauturi, recete culinare, muzica, carti, film

Pe 11 septembrie 2010 asociatia Oberliht organizeaza un nou Tirg Cultural de Vechituri cu tema MINCARE. APARTAMENT-ul DESCHIS va fi deschis intre 16:00-20:00 unde se va putea face schimb de bucate si degustari. Reusita tirgului depinde de contributia si entuziasmul manifestat de fiecare participant si dorinta lui de a partaja lucrurile si experientele.
Esti invitat sa participi la acest eveniment prin a aduce un fel de mincare preparat de tine acasa sau prin a aduce ingridientele care iti vor servi la prepararea mincarii pe loc (te rugam sa ne anunti ca sa vedem ce este posibil de preparat si ce nu este).
Totodata vom pune muzica si daca doresti poti aduce piesele tale. La dispozitia participantilor va sta hirtia si picsurile astfel incit sa poti lasa receta ta favorita.
Nu uita sa te echipezi cu o canuta si furculita.

din program:
- degustarea bucatelor din Gagauzia si ceaiului de menta
- prezentarea cartii cu recete din Gagauzia de catre un grup de voluntari din Comrat
- atelier: cum se face Chapati – piine indana preparata din cascaval.
- atelier: cum se face o coptura italiana din ovaz
- degustarea unor bucate aduse de participantii la tirg si selectarea celei mai reusite recete. In calitate de premiu va fi oferita o carte cu recete din Gagauzia
Vom aduce carne pentru frigarui, dar se pot aduce si alte lucruri care pot fi preparate la gratar.
proiectie de film "Ciocolata". Istoria are loc intr-un sat din Franta prin anii 50 si ne relateaza despre faptul cum mincatul ciocolatei se poate transforma intr-un act subversiv.

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Targul Cultural de Vechituri este un eveniment aproape similar cu un targ de vechituri obisnuit, doar ca aici se incurajeaza schimbul de bunuri fara a se face uz de bani. Fiecare eveniment din seria Targului Cultural de Vechituri va avea o tema, iar bunurile care vor fi propuse la targ trebuie sa corespunda acelei temei. Scopul targului nu este de a vinde, ci de a face schimb si partaja.

Acest eveniment beneficiaza de sustinerea Fundatiei Culturale Europene, Directiei Cultura a Municipiului Chiisinau si a Ministerului Tineretului si Sportului al Republicii Moldova.
Parteneri media - Revista la PLIC

Asociatia Oberliht
Gh. Asachi Str., 53/1, lit. “A”
Chisinau 2028, Republica Moldova
+ (373 22) 286317
email: vladimir(a)

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Cultural Flea Market - FOOD

September 11th, 2010, 4pm
68/1 str. Bucuresti, Chisinau

Exchange and degustation of food, drinks and recipes, music, book, film screening

The FLAT SPACE will be open from 4 to 8 pm to host the exchange and free degustation of food. The success of Cultural Flea Market is based on the contribution and enthusiasm of each participant to share with one another. You are welcomed to participate in this event in several ways: by bringing cooked dished that you made home or by bringing only some ingredients that you would like to prepare on the spot (in this case, give us a call so that we make sure that it is possible).
We would also like to play some music during the event; we have our own music but we would like to play yours as well, so feel free to bring some of your bests on your memory stick. Besides, We will provide pens and paper sheets so as you can write down your favorite recipes.
Don't forget to bring your own fork, knife and cup since we cannot provide it to everybody.
4-6 pm
- degustation of Gagauzian food and mint tea
- book presentation by volunteers from COMRAT of a cook book of Gagauzian recipes
- workshop how to cook Chapati, an indian bread made of cheese
- workshops how to cook an Italian cake made of oat
6-7 pm
degustation of the cooked dishes brought by the participants and election of the best dish by the participants. The winner will receive an exemplary of the Gagauzian cook book.
7-8 pm
Barbecue. We'll prepare some meet but we also invite you to grill what you brought with you (fish, meet, vegetables...).
8-10 pm
film screening: "Chocolate". The story takes place in a French village in the end of the fifties and is about how eating chocolate can become a subversive act.

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The Cultural Flea Market is a cultural event very similar to a flea market, but on this Cultural Flea Market you can only exchange or share, so no use of money. Every Cultural Flea Market will have a theme, and the things that will be exchanged or shared should stay within the theme.

This event receives support from European Cultural Foundation, Direction for Culture of the Chisinau Municipality and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Moldova.
Media partners - POSTBOX magazine

Asociatia Oberliht
Gh. Asachi Str., 53/1, lit. “A”
Chisinau 2028, Republica Moldova
+ (373 22) 286317
email: vladimir(a)

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Câțiva trandafiri încă înfloriți în plină toamnă în stradă. Copyright: Ecaterina Ștefan